Hey everyone! Listen to my new song, "Keep Your Cool." Vote me to win a record deal. All you have to do it listen to the song. Thanks and much love!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I got hit by a car!
Are you serious..? You wanna talk about a bad day?
Thursday, February 18th, 7:00 pm:
I head to L & S Business Solutions. Sheri's in town from California and she wants to help me out with my current horrific financial situation. She tells me about a program she has called Savvy. In the program she would set it up so that I'd be on a budget to get me out of my financial problems. Here's the issue. Even if she puts me a program I'll still be in the double negative. WTF! Now that I know this for sure (100%) I'm actually relieved! Either way I'm poor, there's no way to recover on my current salary and there's nothing I can do about it. Let the good times roll!
Thursday, February 18th, 10:30 pm:
After the news of my inevitable poverty I decided to head out and celebrate. My friend Tyrone had put together an open mic for local artist and I wanted to get out the house. (I'd been snowed in for about 2.5 weeks prior to this.) This was the tame part of the night. I had a good time even if most of acts sucked. The future of hip-hop looked pretty bleak!
Friday, February 19th, 2:30 am:
Talk about out too late! After the open mic, a jumbo slice and some music listening I decided to head home. I was a little more exhausted than I realized. When I started to fall asleep at the wheel I took a little cat nap to wake myself up. I did this twice. The second time I took a nap I heard a knock on my door and got a rude awakening. Two white police officers were staring at me with their flash lights. They accuse me of being drunk (Ironically, I was stone-cold sober and didn't have a drink all night.) and make me take a 20 minute sobriety test. After failing to catch me doing anything but being a little sleepy they let me go and sent me on my marry way.
Friday, February 19th, 4:00 am:
Now here's the fun part! After a long drive home I get off the parkway on to a ramp for my exit. On the ramp is a car that was stuck in the snow. Even though it was late I felt bad for the guy and tried to help him get out. We tried for about 20 minutes. I got in the driver's seat of his car and hit the accelerator while he pushed from behind. Just as we started a car hit us going too fast up the ramp and slid in to black ice! I was hit by a car while in his car. I crawled out the passenger side, gave my contact info to the person I was helping and decided to go home! I'd had it! It was now 4:30 in the morning.
Friday, February 19th, 9:00 am:
After a crappy 4 hour sleep I called my office to tell them I was coming in late. As I head out the house and close the door, I suddenly realized I had locked myself out of the house and my car. I grabbed the wrong keys. Talk about rough. You wanna talk about a bad day?
Thursday, February 18th, 7:00 pm:
I head to L & S Business Solutions. Sheri's in town from California and she wants to help me out with my current horrific financial situation. She tells me about a program she has called Savvy. In the program she would set it up so that I'd be on a budget to get me out of my financial problems. Here's the issue. Even if she puts me a program I'll still be in the double negative. WTF! Now that I know this for sure (100%) I'm actually relieved! Either way I'm poor, there's no way to recover on my current salary and there's nothing I can do about it. Let the good times roll!
Thursday, February 18th, 10:30 pm:
After the news of my inevitable poverty I decided to head out and celebrate. My friend Tyrone had put together an open mic for local artist and I wanted to get out the house. (I'd been snowed in for about 2.5 weeks prior to this.) This was the tame part of the night. I had a good time even if most of acts sucked. The future of hip-hop looked pretty bleak!
Friday, February 19th, 2:30 am:
Talk about out too late! After the open mic, a jumbo slice and some music listening I decided to head home. I was a little more exhausted than I realized. When I started to fall asleep at the wheel I took a little cat nap to wake myself up. I did this twice. The second time I took a nap I heard a knock on my door and got a rude awakening. Two white police officers were staring at me with their flash lights. They accuse me of being drunk (Ironically, I was stone-cold sober and didn't have a drink all night.) and make me take a 20 minute sobriety test. After failing to catch me doing anything but being a little sleepy they let me go and sent me on my marry way.
Friday, February 19th, 4:00 am:
Now here's the fun part! After a long drive home I get off the parkway on to a ramp for my exit. On the ramp is a car that was stuck in the snow. Even though it was late I felt bad for the guy and tried to help him get out. We tried for about 20 minutes. I got in the driver's seat of his car and hit the accelerator while he pushed from behind. Just as we started a car hit us going too fast up the ramp and slid in to black ice! I was hit by a car while in his car. I crawled out the passenger side, gave my contact info to the person I was helping and decided to go home! I'd had it! It was now 4:30 in the morning.
Friday, February 19th, 9:00 am:
After a crappy 4 hour sleep I called my office to tell them I was coming in late. As I head out the house and close the door, I suddenly realized I had locked myself out of the house and my car. I grabbed the wrong keys. Talk about rough. You wanna talk about a bad day?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hit the ground running!
Welcome to a new year. What does that mean?.... Absolutely nothing!!!! Guess what America. All your problems and issues from 2009 just carry over to 2010! I understand that the New Year signals a fresh start. This is a tradition that most people follow to a "T." We lean so heavily on the new year we feel that what you're doing when the clock strikes midnight dictates what you're going to be doing all year. If that was the case then I would be drunk right now, but guess what? Life goes on.
I plan to do better and I refuse to wait for a new year to hit the restart button. The best part about the new year is getting my income taxes back. When that happens I'll have a fresh start.
And let's not forget the people of 2009 that made the year memorable. That's right! I'm talking about (in no particular order) 30 of the biggest douche bags of 2009! I hope in 2010 we can out do this list. They'll probably be some repeat entrees if most of the people on this list don't lie low:
I plan to do better and I refuse to wait for a new year to hit the restart button. The best part about the new year is getting my income taxes back. When that happens I'll have a fresh start.
And let's not forget the people of 2009 that made the year memorable. That's right! I'm talking about (in no particular order) 30 of the biggest douche bags of 2009! I hope in 2010 we can out do this list. They'll probably be some repeat entrees if most of the people on this list don't lie low:
- Bill O'Reilly
- Glen Beck
- Michael Jackson (FOR DYING!)
- Sarah Palin
- Goldman Sacks
- Wall Street
- Michael Jackson's physician
- Michael Bay
- Dick Cheney
- Tiger Woods
- The Yankees
- Sammy Sosa
- Brett Farve
- Kanye West
- Hamid Karzai
- Chris Brown
- Teddy Reilly
- Mark Sanford
- Octomom
- John Gosselyn
- Parents of the Balloon Boy
- Joe Jackson
- Dan Schyder
- Lil Wayne
- Drake
- The Redskins O-Line
- John Mayer
- Peter Angelus
- George W. Bush (Retro active douche bag. He cause the 2009 recession.)
- The General Public. PEOPLE!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Its finally here. Night Train presents: Sound Affects Vol. 12. Okay... you're probably thinking, "Why am I giving this out for free?" Anwser: Because I want people to hear my music!!!!! No excuses!!!! Its FREE!!!! And no, it's not a mixtape. The word, "mixtape" is overused. After all, the songs on this album (minus one) are all original productions.
Next question: "Night Train Presents?" Yes. this not a full album of just me. This is compilation CD consisting of songs I worked on with many of my friends from the DMV. I would never sell their music without their permission. I just wanted to highlight the talent I've been blessed to work with. They include Sm City, Edword Nigma, Joe Young the Jyant, Elisa d'Olivier, Mia Lone, Rone the Mastermind, General B and A.I. Love You.
I plan to have an album out by this summer. For now here's a few songs that I've been working on. That project will probably be free as well.

You can download the new album by clicking on the picture.

Next question: "Night Train Presents?" Yes. this not a full album of just me. This is compilation CD consisting of songs I worked on with many of my friends from the DMV. I would never sell their music without their permission. I just wanted to highlight the talent I've been blessed to work with. They include Sm City, Edword Nigma, Joe Young the Jyant, Elisa d'Olivier, Mia Lone, Rone the Mastermind, General B and A.I. Love You.
I plan to have an album out by this summer. For now here's a few songs that I've been working on. That project will probably be free as well.
You can download the new album by clicking on the picture.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
New sounds in the DMV...
For a long time, the DMV had been overlooked in the mainstream hip-hop community. We have a lot of talent, but no ones made it over the hill yet. Well, except for Tabi Bonney and Wale. Both of which, constantly, talked about this hate they've recieved in their own city. It feels like it you're a rapper in this city, you're doomed to crititizm. But seriously, is that any different from any other city? The true problem comes from the lack of support! But any, let's not get in to that. That was the topic of my last post.
Let's instead talk about some success stories. Let's talk about artist that haven't made it into the limelight, but deserve. I was bless with two great projects and I wanted to talk about them. The first is a project by Ardamus and Ed Metaphysical entitled, "A Day In The Life Of Modern Living." There's a reason why this project is special. It's real! Ardamus is not a gangsta rapper and he's not trying to be. He represents the average man that goes to work, stands in line and wants to stay out of trouble. I'm pretty sure he's taken more drugs than he's sold.
Ardamus, with producer Ed Metaphysical, created a 10 track album that goes through the entire day of the average man. From the nightmare you have before you wake up to going to work and getting stuck in traffic, what makes this project special is the theme that it attaches to. Every song is carefully picked out to describe the my day! The rat race. On top of that, you've got to see him perform it live! Its a treat. If you haven't already, I strongly suggest getting this album.

Next is the work of Sm City. Sm (Sim) is a cocky bastard! But, he has a reason. Sm's attention to detail is every impressive! I've never heard anything like this from a DMV artist. I'm not even talking about just the lyrics. What astounds me is the attention to detail that comes from a perfectionist like Sm. He cares about his craft, considers it an artform and all of this shows in his work. I usually get tire of the mixtape pile, but this one feels different. If feels like an album. Mixed by DJ BChenk and Dub Floyd, this project is meaningful, lyrical and diverse for hip hop. Sm's play on words is what makes this album exciting. I don't usually say that about a lot of peoples' stuff. Not too much and not too little. This project is just about right.
This one is free! Download at well at let me know what YOU think..!
Let's instead talk about some success stories. Let's talk about artist that haven't made it into the limelight, but deserve. I was bless with two great projects and I wanted to talk about them. The first is a project by Ardamus and Ed Metaphysical entitled, "A Day In The Life Of Modern Living." There's a reason why this project is special. It's real! Ardamus is not a gangsta rapper and he's not trying to be. He represents the average man that goes to work, stands in line and wants to stay out of trouble. I'm pretty sure he's taken more drugs than he's sold.
Ardamus, with producer Ed Metaphysical, created a 10 track album that goes through the entire day of the average man. From the nightmare you have before you wake up to going to work and getting stuck in traffic, what makes this project special is the theme that it attaches to. Every song is carefully picked out to describe the my day! The rat race. On top of that, you've got to see him perform it live! Its a treat. If you haven't already, I strongly suggest getting this album.

Next is the work of Sm City. Sm (Sim) is a cocky bastard! But, he has a reason. Sm's attention to detail is every impressive! I've never heard anything like this from a DMV artist. I'm not even talking about just the lyrics. What astounds me is the attention to detail that comes from a perfectionist like Sm. He cares about his craft, considers it an artform and all of this shows in his work. I usually get tire of the mixtape pile, but this one feels different. If feels like an album. Mixed by DJ BChenk and Dub Floyd, this project is meaningful, lyrical and diverse for hip hop. Sm's play on words is what makes this album exciting. I don't usually say that about a lot of peoples' stuff. Not too much and not too little. This project is just about right.
This one is free! Download at well at let me know what YOU think..!

Washington DC is where dreams die.
Look now. I'm tired! I'm only one man. Dammit! Putting on a shows is not easy. Especially, by yourself. The constant promotion. The flyers you need to print. The constant web blasts and eblasts and twitter updates can wear you out.
All I ever wanted to do was put on a show, here and there, to promote talent and show the area we live in that there are lots of talented people in your own back yard. Why is that so difficult? Yesterday, at my latest show, I did something I never thought I'd do. I had to cut an artist off because we were out of time. I've been in that situation! I know what that's like. You want to put your heart and soul in to your performance and someone has to be the dick and get you off the stage like the clown at the Apollo! I'm fucking mad at myself for even putting one my friends through the same situation. It was embarrassing and poorly plan on my part. I'm sorry!
When you have jerk sound guys giving you a hard time about a novice band that wants to jam with you for free, time restrictions no one tells you about, and security and fire marshal issues that you don't know exist until you get to the show you can get a little irritated. On the outside, everyone said it seemed like a nice show. But, I know it was a mess and shouldn't have been that way. When you've got late performers and DJ's and people asking for special favors that are out of your control it makes you go a little crazy. Thank you to all the acts that were not trouble-makers.
Someone last night told me not to look so irritated because if you look annoyed it can bring down the whole crowd. As for everyone that came. Thank you! These events I put together are getting better and I'm trying to fix what doesn't work. Some people just can't always make it. I understand that my friends have lives and they always claim that they're busy. I understand them. My frustration is with the people who don't know me. People in the metro area that love music but turn their nose at a five, fucking, dollar cover charge. SERIOUSLY! One jumbo slice pizza's worth of money isn't worth three hours of entertainment? If I had it my way, the event would be free, but the club wants to make money. Seriously...
I mean, the majority of the people that performed were very professional and they really rocked the crowd, but show some love for your people! Stop playing Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy. Wale doesn't even get love in his own city! You would rather go to some big club and listen to bad music with a $20 cover and overpriced, watered-down rail drinks than come to a show with live performances and music that isn't top 40's only! Seriously. What is up? What am I missing? The boujieness of stuck up women. The dress code designed to make you conformed and strip away any glimpse of originality you may have had, gone when you don't wear what everyone else it wearing.
I'm not sure I can do these shows anymore. Its too much for one person. Come on DMV! stop proving the rest of the country right. Washington DC is where dreams die.
All I ever wanted to do was put on a show, here and there, to promote talent and show the area we live in that there are lots of talented people in your own back yard. Why is that so difficult? Yesterday, at my latest show, I did something I never thought I'd do. I had to cut an artist off because we were out of time. I've been in that situation! I know what that's like. You want to put your heart and soul in to your performance and someone has to be the dick and get you off the stage like the clown at the Apollo! I'm fucking mad at myself for even putting one my friends through the same situation. It was embarrassing and poorly plan on my part. I'm sorry!
When you have jerk sound guys giving you a hard time about a novice band that wants to jam with you for free, time restrictions no one tells you about, and security and fire marshal issues that you don't know exist until you get to the show you can get a little irritated. On the outside, everyone said it seemed like a nice show. But, I know it was a mess and shouldn't have been that way. When you've got late performers and DJ's and people asking for special favors that are out of your control it makes you go a little crazy. Thank you to all the acts that were not trouble-makers.
Someone last night told me not to look so irritated because if you look annoyed it can bring down the whole crowd. As for everyone that came. Thank you! These events I put together are getting better and I'm trying to fix what doesn't work. Some people just can't always make it. I understand that my friends have lives and they always claim that they're busy. I understand them. My frustration is with the people who don't know me. People in the metro area that love music but turn their nose at a five, fucking, dollar cover charge. SERIOUSLY! One jumbo slice pizza's worth of money isn't worth three hours of entertainment? If I had it my way, the event would be free, but the club wants to make money. Seriously...
I mean, the majority of the people that performed were very professional and they really rocked the crowd, but show some love for your people! Stop playing Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy. Wale doesn't even get love in his own city! You would rather go to some big club and listen to bad music with a $20 cover and overpriced, watered-down rail drinks than come to a show with live performances and music that isn't top 40's only! Seriously. What is up? What am I missing? The boujieness of stuck up women. The dress code designed to make you conformed and strip away any glimpse of originality you may have had, gone when you don't wear what everyone else it wearing.
I'm not sure I can do these shows anymore. Its too much for one person. Come on DMV! stop proving the rest of the country right. Washington DC is where dreams die.
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